If you are thinking about starting an online business then you should get to know bugs that are not worth repeating wanting to succeed. Listen to the podcast by fizzle.co and find out about the 10 bugs you should avoid ropzoczynając your online business.
The author of the podcast and the advice are professionals of fizzle.co who help to understand the basics of business, productivity, motivation and marketing every day. Giving advice on the balance between work and private life shows that business can be enjoyable. If you are a business and online business, I recommend tracking authors on the Soudcloud channel-> https://soundcloud.com/fizzleco
This episode will tell you about 10 mistakes you shouldn't make when starting an online business:
1. Too long service/product startup time.
2. Wasting time on solving insignificant problems.
3. Disattentive listening to customers or total lack of feedback'u.
4. Differentiate yourself from the competition.
5. No empathy in relation to customers.
6. No positive attitude.
7. Too much you think and plan, and too little work.
8. Do what you love, not what you need.
9. Take care of proper communication with your customers.
10. If you do not start it will not succeed.