10 ways to improve your business performance and dynamic growth

Have you ever wondered if you are the only person in a company that is facing a specific challenge related to marketing your company and its products? How to keep up with changing technology? How to secure business and its development in the future? Perhaps you are among 61% of marketers who claim that generating traffic and potential customers is their biggest challenge. Does inbound marketing have such power as you think and is it actually the engine to improve the results of the company and its dynamic development?

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound Marketing is the so-called. “Inbound Marketing” is a marketing strategy that involves taking appropriate action to enable recipients to locate the sender of a particular advertising message independently.

The inbound marketing strategy was opposed to traditional methods based on aggressive advertising, such as advertising spots, billboards, and pop-up windows. (Outbound marketing). It aims to build brand awareness and develop a long-term relationship with customers, based on a bilateral communication model and the involvement of both parties.

Idbound Marketing

What is an Inbound Marketing characteristic?

Inbound Marketing is directly related to the concept of so-called. Marketing with permission. Permission marketing), developed by Seth Godin according to which the recipient of the marketing communication itself must agree to it, for example. Through an email subscription or by searching for products, services or information via search engines. According to the supporters of this strategy, there is a greater likelihood that advertising content will be brought to those who are actually interested in them.

The second important concept on which inbound marketing is based is the so-called. Viral marketing, which is a marketing activity aimed at inducing recipients to voluntarily disseminate information about a brand.

Inbound Marketing Support Tools.

The most important inbound marketing techniques used to achieve the above objectives are:

  • Social media Promotion (m.in. YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter),
  • Conducting an industry blog,
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content marketing is the creation and dissemination of unique and reliable content on the Internet (articles, e-books, webinars, podcasts, e-videos, etc.) that prove useful to surfers.

Marketers using the inbound marketing strategy assume that publishing valuable, search-optimised content, and then disseminating it through marketing channels such as industry blogs or Social networks, allows you to attract a more targeted audience, build a lasting relationship with them. Lead maturation strategy), and as a result, increase sales.

How do I plan an effective marketing strategy using Inbound Marketing?

To determine the top 10 rules to support your sales and development of your business, you should familiarise yourself with research and a recent survey among marketers. The survey aimed to uncover the biggest problems associated with marketing/sales objectives. Here, I introduce three main areas and survey results for the most important marketing and sales targets by surveyed.

What are the 3 main priorities or marketing goals of your business over the next 12-18 months?

76%-attract more potential customers with high quality
73%-increase revenue from current customers
61%-successfully introduce new products

There is no large margin that would separate the two main objectives of most manufacturers, but they both fit perfectly into the incoming marketing methodology. Attracting high-quality leads is still in focus, stressing the importance of qualifying leads with targeted marketing activities that talk about their pain problems. And growing revenues also tell you how important it is to take care of your customer, improve customer service and build customer confidence so they can get back for more. I am encouraged by a third response to the success of the new product, which supports economic indicators indicative of production growth.

What are the 3 marketing challenges for your business?

79%-proving a high return on investment in marketing activities
46%-generating site traffic and potential clients
37%-Hiring the best talent
The vast majority of our respondents believed that demonstrating the value of their marketing efforts is a major problem. Traditionally, marketers are struggling to provide data confirming that their efforts have been successful. Did the new customer hear about your business because of commercial advertising, sales journal, Web banner or oral messages? Thanks to the traditional (outgoing) methodology, it was not possible to learn.

With inbound marketing, you can get detailed customer behavior data to accurately determine how they engage with your site and how long they spend time watching a page, the blogs they read, the infographics you download, How many emails they have opened, regardless of whether they clicked the link and more. Providing metrics and analytics about customer behavior is simply the best way to demonstrate ROI for your marketing efforts.

What’s harder to sell compared to 2 to 3 years ago?

62%-involvement of many decision-makers in the company in the purchase process
50%-obtaining responses from potential customers
42%-identification/search for good customers

Gaining access to decision-makers in the company is not a new challenge for professionals. Sales-In almost every organization there are watchmen. Finding a solution to the problem often starts with Google, and the person who enters the search bar is often the person whose decision-makers undertake to research and identify potential solutions. This person may not have high decision-making power, but he is probably a gatekeeper who has a big impact.

Improve company performance

It is necessary to gain the confidence of those influential individuals who will investigate, verify and ultimately issue recommendations to decision-makers in the company. Make it easier for them to find and share content and, more importantly, to answer their biggest questions. Advanced content, such as e-books, webinars, infographics, videos, and more, can help them get to know you and your products and make sure they’re presenting the best options. Make their success and success of your business a core of your marketing efforts. When creating an inbound strategy, be sure to clearly identify the buyer’s personalities and include the Influester in your guide.

Top 10 rules to improve your business performance that you should follow in 2019 years.

What does all this mean? How can you overcome these challenges? Although I cannot describe my entire presentation, I am pleased to share with you a review of the best ways we have been able to improve our marketing and sales efforts to scale your business.

1. Be honest and objective

Let’s face it, we can sometimes be too optimistic about the expected results. Before implementing an incoming data strategy, it is important to understand the actual cost of acquiring a customer to fully determine its main attraction and management processes, and to outline and track the overall measure of impact and effectiveness. In other words, define and measure success.

2. Find and analyse the gap in growth

Do you know how much more new customers you need to earn to achieve your sales goals? Translating revenue targets into different categories, then measuring and managing each category separately, will give you better control over each element and better control over the end result.

3. Specify the ideal customer

Although you certainly do not want to ignore potential buyers who do not fit into a particular form, you need to focus your efforts on those who are ideal customers. Imagine you’ve spent 1 PLN on marketing and you can only spend it on one potential customer, what kind of prospects you’re spending it with? It’s your perfect customer.

4. Plan a buyer’s ideal customer journey

You need to consider every phase through which you pass during this time-from the first search to Google, after reading the blog, after downloading the resource, after clicking “Submit” in the demo version or consultation. Create relevant and immersive content because of their awareness, attention and decisions, and understand and analyse the way your customers follow.

5. Change your website in your best seller

The website can and should be your best selling tool and must be a living, breathable resource that can easily adapt to the changing behavior of your ideal buyers. Make sure your website is easy to update with marketing automation tools like HubSpot, and that you use data to see where your changes are needed. This continuous refinment is known as Growth Driven Design.

6. Develop an initial service level agreement (SLA)

This agreement between marketing and sales is essentially a contract with a value of 360 degrees between the two, helping to provide balance. Start by defining potential marketing clients (MQL) and potential customers (SQL) and specific goals for each. Take a look at the trading agreement and potential customer management protocols, as well as the rhythm and accuracy of 360-degree communication.

7. Prioritize fast winnings

Build trust in your inbound program by identifying small goals and realizing these opportunities. This may require greater reliance on judgement than on data and analysis, as it may not be possible to fully exploit data in a short period of time. Even if you have not yet planned a buyer’s journey, consider more obvious industry topics that could be written or email campaigns that could make the bullet spin.

8. Practice Agile Marketing Mentality

Agile production is almost everything in today’s market. Similarly, agile marketing uses teams focused on delivering value that impacts business and delivers value to customers (your sales team). Agile marketing is based on continual improvement that encourages small tests that deliver fast results.

9. Measure and earn progress

The beauty of inbound marketing is a huge amount of data at your fingertips, making it easy to determine which efforts provide the greatest value. Based on the customer’s life value, you can work backwards to calculate the value of the qualified lead to demonstrate the return on your investment in marketing activities.

10. Empower yourself with accountability and results

To change attitudes, you need to change behaviors. Creating a disciplined term for evaluating results shows the team how valuable it is and also gives leadership a great platform for practicing two key behaviors: demonstrating responsibility around protocols and outcomes, You are looking for; and celebrates progress and wins to show the team how big it matters.

There is no doubt: inbound marketing requires discipline and dedication to obtain results. But by analyzing the results and the impact that the tools can have properly implemented, it should be noted that it is worth and should invest in inbound marketing.

Krzysztof Ginter | 23 January 2019

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